Glyph Connect offers various web-related services for small business owners and marketers.

New Websites

Existing Websites

Google Ads

Search Engine Optimization

Email Signatures & Banners

BPMS Software


Design & Development

First impressions are crucial. A successful business needs a well-designed, user-friendly, performance-driven website. 

We build all our websites using WordPress and Divi, making our sites perform well and easy to maintain.


Maintenance & Optimization

If you’re running WordPress, your website needs to be maintained. Software such as WordPress needs to be updated, along with the plugins you are running. On top of that, you need to keep your website secure and backed up. 

Website loading speed is a massive consideration. If a site loads slowly, visitors leave. Those visitors cost you money, so their leaving is money wasted. We can make your WordPress website load faster. Much faster.


Search Engine Optimization

Whether you are looking to increase awareness for your local business or want to get more website traffic from potential customers – SEO is a sound long-term strategy to increase visibility and raise confidence in your business.

Email Signatures & Banners

Super-charge your emails

Every time you send an email, you have an opportunity to establish your brand using your signature. With dynamically added HTML signatures, managing your email signatures become simple. Signatures are added on a server-level, making them easy to install, easy to add and easy to edit. Individual signature elements can have links to your social media or website. 

With this technology you can also super-charge your emails with rotating banners that are injected into your emails. Have a special running? Feature it in your emails. Want to showcase a specific service. Have a banner for that. Banners rotate dynamically, so your emails are always fresh and working for you.



Business Process Management Solution

BPMS is built on top of the industry-leading Trello platform that allows businesses to stay on top of what is happening without adding administrative burden. Not only that, but we can increase customer satisfcation with increased levels of communication as well automated review management for compelted jobs. Connect with us to arrange a demo today.